Static Quiz

Static Quiz – 26th June 2024

1. Lithospheric plates move around very slowly – just a few millimetres each year. What is the reason behind this movement?


2. The Poligar revolt of early 19th Century was rooted in


3. Which of the following functions was/were performed by constituent assembly other than making Indian Constitution?

  1. It adopted the national flag on July 22, 1947
  2. It elected Dr Rajendra Prasad as the first President of India on January 24, 1950
  3. It ratified the India’s membership of the Commonwealth in May 1949

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4. The “Sovereignty” of India means

  1. No external power can dictate the government of India.
  2. Citizens cannot be discriminated against on any grounds.
  3. There is freedom of speech and expression for Indian citizens.

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5. Which of the following are considered as main drivers of antimicrobial resistance?

  1. Misuse and overuse of antimicrobials
  2. Lack of access to clean water and hygiene for animals
  3. Poor infection and disease prevention in health-care facilities

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