
Speaker of Lok Sabha


  • The Speaker of Lok Sabha is the Presiding Officer of the Lower House of Parliament of India – the Lok Sabha.
  • The Speaker is the constitutional and ceremonial head of the Lok Sabha.
  • The Speaker is answerable for maintaining order and decorum within the house, conducting its enterprise, and making sure that the legislative process is done smoothly.
  • Additionally, the Speaker represents the Lok Sabha in its family members with the President of India, the Rajya Sabha (the Upper House), and other external bodies.

Election of Speaker of Lok Sabha

  • The Speaker of Lok Sabha is elected by the Lok Sabha from among its members.
  • This means most effective sitting members of the Lok Sabha are eligible to be elected as Speaker of Lok Sabha.
  • The date of election of the Speaker is fixed by the President of India.

Tenure of Speaker of Lok Sabha

  • The Speaker remains in office in the course of the life of the Lok Sabha.
  • However, the Speaker has to vacate his/her work in advance in any of the subsequent three instances:
    • If he/she ceases to be a member of the Lok Sabha,
    • If he/she resigns by writing to the Deputy Speaker, and
    • If he/she is removed by a decision exceeded by majority of all the then participants of the Lok Sabha (i.e. An Effective Majority).
  • Whenever the Lok Sabha is dissolved, the Speaker of Lok Sabha does not vacate his/her office and keeps until the newly-elected Lok Sabha meets.

Oath and Affirmation of Speaker of Lok Sabha

  • The Speaker of Lok Sabha, even assuming his/her office, does not make and subscribe to any separate oath or confirmation.
  • Their oath as a Member of Parliament suffices for his/her function as Speaker of Lok Sabha.

Removal of Speaker of Lok Sabha

  • The Speaker of Lok Sabha can be removed by a decision passed by means of the Lok Sabha by using an Effective Majority (i.e. A majority of the entire membership of the House except the vacant seats).
  • A motion of removal of the Speaker of Lok Sabha may be moved handiest after giving 14 days’ advance notice to the Speaker.
  • This motion of removal can be taken into consideration and discussed only when it has the aid of at least 50 members.
  • When a decision for the elimination of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is under consideration of the House, he/she can not preside over the sitting of the House, even though he/she may be present inside the House.
  • However, he/she will be able to speak and participate inside the proceedings of the House at one of these times and vote within the first instance, although not within the case of an equality of votes.

Salary and Allowances of Speaker of the Lok Sabha

  • The Speaker of Lok Sabha is entitled to a normal income and allowance constant with the aid of the Parliament.
  • The salary and allowances of the Speaker of Lok Sabha are charged on the Consolidated Fund of India and therefore aren’t issued to the once a year vote of Parliament.

Role of Speaker of Lok Sabha

  • The Speaker is the head and the consultant of the Lok Sabha.
  • He/she is the father or mother of the powers and privileges of the contributors, its committees and the House as a whole.
  • He/she is the foremost spokesperson of the House.
  • He/she is the final determining authority in all Parliamentary subjects.
  • He/she continues order and decorum inside the House for conducting its commercial enterprise and regulating its proceedings. This is his/her primary obligation and he/she has power in this regard.
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