Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Revamping of Affordable Housing Scheme (PMAY-Urban)

Syllabus: Governance [GS Paper - 2]


The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) will be revamped to address delays and enhance efficiency, based on nine years of operational insights. Launched in 2015 and extended to December 2024, the scheme aims to provide affordable housing to urban poor and middle-income groups, including slum dwellers.


  • To solve the problem of housing scarcity and make homes available at an affordable price for low income earners the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is redesigning the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY-Urban). 
  • The modified version of the scheme is identified as PMAY-U 2. Is 0, and it can be seen that the author expresses his/her intention to eliminate these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of the program.


  • Improved Targeting: The development means that the scheme shall be restructured in existence to increase focus in making sure that the assistance shall get to the right beneficiary. 
  • Streamlined Disbursement: Minimising the time taken to disburse funds will be promoted which will in turn give a boost to faster and efficient support to the beneficiaries. 
  • Enhanced Assistance: This will go a long way in increasing assistance on the low income earners to enable them to afford houses at the recommended cheaper prices. 
  • Incentives for States: This means that the above scheme will go a long way in motivating the states to take positive actions for realising affordable housing schemes. 
  • Women Empowerment: This scheme will go on recommending women Empowerment by suggesting the Ownership of houses in the name of the Female members or in the joint names. 


  • Financial Assistance: SUBSIDY The scheme will give out subvention to the beneficiaries as well as interest subvention. 
  • Credit-Linked Subsidy: The scheme will provide credit linked subsidies to the concerned beneficiaries to help them avail housing loans. 
  • Affordable Housing: It will also help enhance provision of cheap houses as the hi5 scheme will encourage developers to put up low cost units. 
  • Slum Redevelopment: The scheme will also pay special attention to slum redevelopment support to the states to rehabilitate the slum dwellers.

Way Forward 

  • The new laid down scheme is yet to be released to the public after being modified in order to offer many low cost houses to families. 
  • That is the reason why the implementation, monitoring, and the evaluation of the scheme will play a crucial role in its success. 
  • The government’s promise on affordable houses is a noble effort in containing the housing deficit in India. 
  • This is quite positive in the sense that the scheme now targets women and the re-development of the slums to pave the way for sustainable cities. 


  • The modification of the PMAY-Urban is a good initiative in order to meet the housing demand of the LIG segment in the country. Due to better targeting, effective disbursement, and efficient assistance, the scheme wants to build affordable houses for millions of families. 
  • The fact that the Master scheme is oriented towards women’s employment and the redevelopment of slums to build encompassing cities is a positive step in the right direction. Implementation and supervision of the scheme will be critical, which is why there is hope in the Indian government’s push towards affordable housing as a solution to the housing deficit in the country.

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Mains Practice Question

Q. “The revamp of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) scheme is a significant step towards addressing the urban housing shortage in India. Analyze the features of the revamped scheme and evaluate its potential impact on the housing needs of low-income groups in urban areas.” (250 words)

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