Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

New Project to address Jal Jeevan Mission

Syllabus: Government Policies and Interventions [GS Paper-2]


Recently, Union Jal Shakti Minister C.R. Patil announced a new project to ensure rural households receive potable water under the Jal Jeevan Mission. Acknowledging gaps, he noted many homes have taps but no water. The mission, launched in 2019, has met 77% of its target, covering 15 crore households.


  • ⁠Jal Jeevan Mission was rolled out in the year 2019 the goal of which is to provide piped water connection to every rural household by December 2024. 
  • However, the achievement that has been made is not very much sufficient enough to overcome the water scarcity in the country, accordingly, the Jal Shakti Ministry has initiated the new project to sort out the problem.

Current Status 

  • The tap water connections have been provided to 77 % of the target households, that is 15 crore out of 19 crore. 
  • However, nominally only 48 percent of the households were connected to the taps while 36 percent got only the daily minimum of 55 litres per person. 


  • Lack of water both as a resource and in terms of proper distribution of feasible water supply systems in many regions. 
  • Lack of care, and poor rehabilitation of existing structures used for water supply. 
  • Ignoring the planning and the implementation at the local level. 

New Project Details 

  • There is a new project being prepared by the Jal Shakti Ministry to supply potable water to the households, which were provided with taps under the JJM, but have no water supply. 
  • Overall, the given project focuses on the gap that still exists between tap connectivity which is the water accessibility and water availability. 
  • More specific strategies being considered by the ministry in a bid to reduce water usage include methods such as water harvesting and conservation.

Components of the New Project 

  • Water Source Development: Explorations such as boreholes, springs, and river water sources among others. 
  • Water Treatment and Distribution: Initiation and development of water treatments that will act as centres of purification as well as laying down water pipelines for easier water delivery. 
  • Water Conservation: Conservation of water and increasing its usage through practices and technologies that encourage water saving. 
  • Community Engagement: Promoting people’s involvement in overseeing water and completing such works. 

 Way Forward

  • The new project can be considered as a ray of hope for the rural households who up to now have no clean water. 
  • The proper implementation of the framework lies heavily on the collaboration between the central and state governments and perhaps most importantly, with consumers, which is the community here. 
  • Thus, the outcome of the project will determine the success of the Jal Jeevan Mission and the living condition of rural India to a great extent. 


  • New Jal Shakti Ministry’s project is quite helpful to meet up with the vision of fulfilling the goal of providing potable water for each rural household in India. 
  • Ministering to the water deficit in the Jal Jeevan Mission, the government can ensure that all the commendable effort made hitherto does not go up in smoke. 
  • To achieve the goals and objectives of this project, all the stakeholders’ support is needed; however, it will lead to a healthier and prosperous rural India.

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Mains Practice Question 

Q. Discuss the key objectives and challenges of the Jal Jeevan Mission in ensuring safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections by 2024. Evaluate the potential socio-economic impacts of this mission on rural communities in India.

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