Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Need for Reforms in UN Security Council

Syllabus - International Relations [GS Paper-2]


Recently, India has asserted that as the United Nations turns 80 next year and it is “high time” to reform the UN Security Council.

About the UNSC

  • The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the primary organs of the United Nations, liable for preserving global peace and security. 
  • It was installed in 1945 as part of the UN Charter and is composed of 15 member states, such as five permanent members with veto power—China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US—and ten non-permanent members elected for 2-year terms by the General Assembly.
  • It is situated in New York City.

Need for the Reforms in the UNSC

  • Current Composition: The current composition of the Security Council has under-representation and un-illustration of key areas.
  • Inability to Address Conflicts: The contemporary composition of the council has an incapability to address important conflicts and hold global peace and security.
  • Changes in World Order: The international has undergone a maritime trade due to the fact that 1945 and the new realities need to be meditated within the permanent membership. 
  • Veto Power: Currently, only the five permanent members keep veto powers and by its use have stalled action in the Council to cope with global challenges and conflicts inclusive of in Ukraine and Gaza.
    • The remaining 10 nations inside the Council are elected to take a maritimet as non-permanent members for 2-year terms and do not have veto powers.
  • Legitimacy: The disproportionate power held by the 5 permanent members, especially their veto power result in a perception of unfairness and absence of legitimacy.

Why should India Get Permanent Membership of UNSC?

  • Global Population and Representation: India is the world’s second-most population country, representing about 18% of the world’s population.
    • Such demographic significance warrants proportional illustration in global decision-making bodies like the UNSC.
  • Economic Powerhouse: India has emerged as a primary global financial force, ranking among the pinnacle economies through GDP (nominal) and GDP (PPP).
    • Its financial power contributes appreciably to global balance and development, which aligns with the country’s mandate to maintain global peace and security.
  • Commitment to Peacekeeping: India has been one in all the biggest members to UN peacekeeping missions, demonstrating its commitment to global peace and security. 
  • Strategic Importance: India occupies a pivotal geopolitical role in South Asia and the broader Indo-Pacific place.
    • Its impact extends beyond regional limitations, making it essential in addressing global security demanding situations along with terrorism, climate change, and maritime security.
  • Democratic Values: As the sector’s biggest democracy, India upholds ideas of pluralism, tolerance, and inclusivity, which might be essential to the UN’s ethos. 
  • Support from Member States: India enjoys broad support from a significant number of UN member states, including influential nations from several regions.
    • This backing reflects the popularity of India’s international function and its ability to contribute to improving the USA’s capability to reply to international crises.

Limitations in Introducing the Reforms in UNSC

  • Veto Power of Permanent Members: Any reforms to the composition or running strategies of the countries require the approval of the five permanent members.
    • These nations have divergent pursuits and are reluctant to guide modifications that could lessen their effect on the Council.
  • Regional Dynamics: Regional rivalries and geopolitical tensions complicate efforts to reform the Council.
  • Complexity of the Reform Process: Amending the UN Charter to enact reforms requires a lengthy and complicated manner concerning ratification by a significant number of member states, making it difficult to enact significant reforms.
  • Chinese Opposition: China being a permanent member blocks the boom of India turning into a Permanent Member.

Way Ahead

  • It is vital that both the permanent and non-permanent members be consultants of the world as it’s miles these days, not the world as it existed in the wake of the Second World War.
  • Reforms inside the UNSC are essential for retaining its relevance, legitimacy, and effectiveness in addressing the complex security challenges dealing with the international community within the 21st century. 
  • However, achieving consensus on such reforms among the various UN’s member states remains a challenging and ongoing procedure.

Source: The News on AIR

UPSC Mains Practice Question

Q. Reforms in the United Nations (UN) Security Council are needed in order to strengthen its effectiveness as a multilateral organization. Discuss in the light of the need for reform in the current UN systems. (250 words)

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