Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

iDEX contract for ‘miniaturised satellite’

Syllabus: Science & Technology [GS Paper - 3]


The Defence Ministry’s Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) signed its 350th contract with SpacePixxel Technologies to develop a miniaturised satellite carrying multiple payloads. Led by the Indian Air Force, this initiative promotes innovation in space electronics, enabling faster, economical, and environmentally friendly satellite deployment. iDEX fosters critical defense technology advancements through its Defense India Start-up Challenge and ADITI scheme.


  • The country’s Defence Ministry has recorded a major success by entering into its 350th contract in the Innovations for Defence Excellence initiative. 
  • This contract is with SpacePixxel Technologies Pvt Ltd for ordering miniaturized satellite designing and development.


  • Miniaturized Satellite: These probable SPAs will range from electro-optical/ infrared, synthetic aperture radar, hyperspectral, to an optimum mass of 150 kg. 
  • Advanced Technology: It will accommodate several smaller and lighter LO’s some of which include; The following benefits will characterize the miniaturization of the satellite; Brooke and Linsalata Brief history of mini-satellite development Unilens will incorporate the following benefits from miniaturization ; Brooke and Linsalata Brief history of mini-satellite development 
  • Indian Air Force Led Project: The project is under the Indian Air Force which goes to show the adoption of space competency in contemporary warfare. 
  • SpacePixxel Technologies: It is in the process of developing hyperspectral imaging satellites with high resolution for earth observation. 


  • Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX): iDEX is one among the major programs launched by the Ministry of Defence with an aim of fostering innovation in defence and aerospace technology. 
  • Public-Private Partnership: It serves as an example of a good PPP cooperation since it motivates private enterprises to engage in defence advancements. 
  • Indigenous Development: The project supports indigenous development of applicative technologies that can be procured locally, thereby cutting on expenditure on imports. 
  • Future Applications: Due to their compactness, the satellites have multiple uses for instance, use in surveillance, communication, navigation, and earth observation among others.

Way Forward

  • That the miniaturised satellite was to be developed was therefore the next major step in India’s defence innovation. 
  • Thus, the outcomes of the project will speak volumes as to the future of science and technology, to mention nothing of defence for India. 
  • Thus, the iDEX India initiative is still progressing towards increasing efficiency in defence through indigenization and cooperation between the government, industry, and start-ups. 
  • The promotion of innovation and technology development by the Defence Ministry will enhance India’s place in the global defence & aerospace market. 


  • It may be noted that the latest iDEX deal is the ministry’s 350th deal that has brought innovation and indigenization of defence and aerospace into focus. The miniaturised satellite project has the possibility to change the approach of India in the space and defence arena. 
  • Success in the development of this particular technology will mark India’s technical prowess regarding sophisticated technologies and its quest for the ability to indigenously manufacture vital defence equipment.

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Mains Practice Question 

Q. “The recent initiatives in the defence sector, such as iDEX and Defence Innovation Organization, reflect a paradigm shift in India’s defence policy. Analyze the significance of these initiatives in promoting innovation and indigenization in defence technology.” (250 words)

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