Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Human Dignity and Religious Practices

Syllabus: Social Justice [GS Paper- 2]


In recent discussions about the intersection of human dignity and religious practices, questions arise about the extent to which religious traditions should be respected when they conflict with modern values of human rights. 

The Concept of Human Dignity

  • Defining Human Dignity : Human dignity refers to the inherent worth of every individual, regardless of their status, abilities, or background. It is a fundamental principle in human rights law, emphasizing that everyone deserves respect and the ability to lead a life of value and meaning.
  • Historical Context : Historically, human dignity has been rooted in various philosophical, religious, and cultural traditions. Philosophers like Immanuel Kant emphasized the intrinsic worth of individuals, while many religious doctrines also stress the importance of respecting and valuing human life.

Religious Practices and Their Significance

Understanding Religious Practices 

Religious practices are the expressions of faith and devotion within various belief systems. These practices can range from rituals and ceremonies to dietary restrictions and dress codes. They often hold deep significance for adherents, symbolizing their connection to the divine and their cultural heritage.

Examples of Controversial Religious Practices 

Some religious practices have sparked debate due to their perceived conflict with modern human rights standards. Examples include:

  • Gender-specific roles and restrictions
  • Child marriage and polygamy
  • Certain dress codes, such as the burqa or hijab
  • Ritualistic practices that involve physical harm, like circumcision or scarification

Conflicts Between Human Dignity and Religious Practices

  • Gender Equality: Women rights is arguably the most contentious aspect that remains disputed in the country. Gender roles are also frequently defined in religious texts and these jobs often are less suitable for women, thus continuing nurturing the culture of gender discrimination. For instance, in some verses or scriptures, the relation between man and woman is portrayed in a way that women ought not to be allowed to lead or they need a man to protect them.
  • Freedom and Autonomy: Many religious activities have a nature of violating someone’s freedom of choice and volition. Forced marriage or child marriage, nevertheless, continue to cause significant harms which affect the autonomy of those involved and their future, if they claim to base their actions on religious grounds, the dignity and rights of those involved are violated.
  • Physical Integrity: Some of the religious practices expose the human body to vulnerabilities thereby allowing it to be harmed. Female genital mutilation which is done to girls and women from cultures that are endemic to it, performed as a religious obligation, is a raw example of how physical integrity of persons is undermined thus causing numerous health problems in persons and it also disrespects the doctrine of human dignity.

Balancing Respect for Religion and Human Rights

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Maintaining the harmony between religious tolerance and human rights is a very sensitive question that has a lot of legal and ethical implications. The external sources of Uganda’s human rights laws acknowledge the freedom of religion without denying that this freedom cannot be allowed to encroach on the rights or dignity of others. It therefore becomes apparent that as good as principles of religious freedom are there must be laws and policies that give consideration to all the above aspects of human dignity.

Case Studies and Precedents 

Several legal cases highlight the challenges and approaches to balancing these rights:

  • The European Court of Human Rights has ruled on cases involving the wearing of religious symbols in public spaces, weighing individual rights against state interests.
  • In India, the Supreme Court’s decision on the practice of “triple talaq” (instant divorce in Islam) underscores the need to reconcile religious practices with constitutional guarantees of equality and justice.

Towards a Harmonious Coexistence

  • Dialogue and Education: Religious practices should encourage dialogue and education with human rights in order to support the peaceful and mutual acceptance of these two systems. Sharing experiences and challenging assumptions can help narrow down the divide when the goal would be to understand the values and interpretations behind religious practices.
  • Reforming Practices: Most religions came under heavy pressure in the current civilization to seek change on practices which are unlawful to the current human rights. This internal change, inspired by the scholars of the faith and the ordinary worshippers, is sometimes less intrusive and more meaningful than when it came from outside.
  • Role of Government and Civil Society: It’s the policy makers and CSOs that have the immense responsibility of ensuring that human dignity as well as religious liberty is achieved without trampling on the right to worship. It is ideal that policies also focus on the welfare of other sensitive groups, introducing knowledge, and helping society change for the better.


The intersection of human dignity and religious practices presents a complex challenge that requires careful consideration and balanced approaches. While respecting religious traditions is important, it is equally crucial to ensure that these practices do not infringe upon the fundamental rights and dignity of individuals. Through dialogue, education, and sensitive legal frameworks, it is possible to create a society where both human dignity and religious freedom coexist harmoniously.

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Mains Practice Question

Q. Discuss the tensions that arise between the protection of human dignity and the preservation of religious practices in contemporary society. How can these tensions be effectively managed in a diverse and pluralistic world?

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