Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Diseases Associated with Coal Mining

Syllabus: Health [GS Paper-2]


Coal mining has been a vital source of energy production for decades, but it also poses significant health risks to coal miners. Exposure to coal dust and other hazardous materials can lead to various respiratory and skin diseases. A recent study has highlighted the alarming prevalence of these diseases among coal miners in three states.

Respiratory Diseases

Coal mining is linked to several respiratory diseases, including:

  • Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis (CWP): Namely, CWP is a lung disease that develops due to the exposure to coal dust with the primary signs being coughing, dyspnea, and chest pains. This disease results in inflammation, scarring, and fibrosis of the lungs and thus putting a challenge on the ability to breathe.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): This is ordinarily a pulmonary condition identified under the umbrella term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and primarily impacts the lungs thus causing some level of difficulty when breathing. CEB includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis and the last can be caused by the effect of inhalation of coal dust.
  • Silicosis: This is a parenchymal disease of the lung that occurred in persons who expose themselves to silica dust. Some may develop lung tissue damage hence resulting in scarring and inflammation of lung tissue that may lead to improper breathing.

Skin Diseases

Coal mining is also linked to skin diseases, including:

  • Coal Tar Dermatitis: Coal tar dermatitis is an illness, which emanates from exposure to the substance known as coal tar that is gotten from the process of locating coal. Mentioned complications include skin rash, erythema and skin ulceration or even formation of Vesicles.
  • Skin Cancer: Other principal dangerous consequences are the skin cancer resulting from the extended handling of lethal materials such as the coal tar and/or other pertinent products employed by the miners.

Causes of Diseases

The main cause of diseases among coal miners is exposure to hazardous materials, including:

  • Coal Dust: Respiratory disorders are one of the major health hazards affecting the miners and are caused by coal dust. These are particles that can easily be inhaled into the deeper respiratory tract and cause inflammation of the lung tissue as well as scarring.
  • Silica: Silica is one of the most abundant minerals in the world especially in deposits of coal. The effects of silicosis are scarring and inflammation in the lungs and it develops when one is exposed to silica.
  • Coal Tar: The effects of coal tar are a condition also known as coal tar dermatitis and skin cancer, the latter originating from coal mining byproducts.

Prevention and Treatment

Preventing diseases among coal miners requires a multifaceted approach, including:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The miners that work in the coal mines should put on protective clothing such as masks and respirators to avoid contact with dangerous substances.
  • Regular Health Checkups: Thus, regular check ups are a very useful tool in early diagnosis of diseases and therefore they are easy to manage.
  • Education and Training: Education and training which should be provided to the coal miners include risks involved in mining and disease control measures.
  • Medical Treatment: Medication, surgery, and other medicinal necessities are some of the treatment procedures that involve diseases affecting individuals involved in coal mining.


Mining, especially coal mining is among the most dangerous professions because it exposes miners to a number of health risks. Inhalation of coal mine dust and skin afflictions are the predominant diseases, hence, the need for a comprehensive strategy in the management and prevention of diseases. In this way, by investigating those diseases and trying to avoid them by taking certain measures, coal miners’ disease rate will be lowered and their life conditions will be enhanced.

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Prelims Practice Question

Q. Which of the following statements about the health impacts of coal mining are correct?

  1. Coal miners are at increased risk of developing respiratory diseases like coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (black lung), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer.
  2. Skin conditions like occupational dermatitis are also common among coal miners due to exposure to various irritants.
  3. The health effects of coal mining are limited to the miners themselves and do not impact their families or communities.
  4. Controlling exposure to respirable coal mine dust is the key to preventing respiratory and skin diseases among coal miners.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 2 and 4 only

c) 1, 2 and 4 only

d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans – “c”

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