UPSC Editorial Analysis

An Economic Corridor, the Israel Link and the Geopolitics

[GS Paper 2 - International Relations, Bilateral and Global Groupings]

Context – A historic shift in Saudi policy and key global developments raise prospects for peace; Israel’s absence at the 2023 G-20 summit draws attention. The 2023 G-20 summit, held under India’s presidency, demonstrated India’s ability to address complex global challenges despite the group’s limited economic focus. India’s success at the summit, marked by various outcomes, garnered global attention.

In the realm of geopolitics, economic corridors often play a pivotal role in reshaping regional dynamics and fostering international cooperation. One such corridor that has garnered significant attention in recent times is the proposed economic corridor linking India, Iran, and Afghanistan, with potential extensions into Central Asia. This corridor not only holds promise for economic development but also has an intriguing dimension with Israel’s involvement.

Chabahar Port and North-South Transport Corridor

  • The cornerstone of this economic corridor is the Chabahar Port in Iran, which has been a focal point of cooperation between India, Iran, and Afghanistan. Chabahar, situated on the Arabian Sea, offers India access to Afghanistan and Central Asia without having to traverse Pakistan, which has been historically problematic due to political tensions.
  • India has invested significantly in the development of Chabahar Port to enhance trade connectivity with Afghanistan and beyond.
  • This port serves as a vital component of the North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC), a multi-modal trade route that aims to connect India to Russia and Europe via Iran and Central Asia.
  • The NSTC holds the potential to reduce transportation costs and transit times significantly, benefiting all participating countries.
  • Additionally, it aligns with India’s broader strategic interests of countering China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by establishing alternative connectivity routes.

Israel’s Entry into the Equation

  • The surprising twist in this geopolitical narrative is Israel’s interest in participating in the development of the Chabahar Port and the NSTC.
  • Israel, despite being geographically distant from this region, sees an opportunity to deepen its engagement with India and enhance its regional influence through this corridor.
  • This newfound partnership between India, Iran, and Israel raises intriguing questions about the shifting dynamics in the Middle East and South Asia.

India’s Incentives

  • For India, partnering with Israel in this corridor offers several advantages. First and foremost, it helps diversify India’s strategic alliances in the Middle East.
  • Historically, India has maintained close ties with Iran, and simultaneously, it has strengthened its relationship with Israel in recent years. This tripartite cooperation allows India to balance its relationships in a volatile region.
  • Moreover, India’s energy security is another critical factor. Chabahar Port provides India with a reliable and direct route to access Iranian oil and gas resources.
  • With sanctions against Iran easing, this partnership becomes even more lucrative for India’s energy needs.

Israel’s Interest

  • Israel’s interest in the Chabahar Port and the NSTC is primarily driven by its desire to foster economic cooperation and expand its influence in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • While Israel is not a participant in the NSTC, it sees potential in leveraging India’s access to Central Asia and Russia. This could enhance Israel’s trade prospects and enable it to diversify its economic partnerships beyond the Middle East.
  • Additionally, the Israeli government views this collaboration as a means to enhance its strategic alignment with India.
  • Both countries share concerns about terrorism and regional stability, making them natural partners in addressing common challenges. Strengthening ties with India allows Israel to bolster its presence in South Asia and serve as a counterbalance to China’s expanding influence.

Geopolitical Implications

The trilateral cooperation between India, Iran, and Israel has significant geopolitical implications, affecting not only the Middle East but also South Asia and beyond.

  • Balancing Act: India’s participation in this partnership highlights its delicate balancing act between Iran and Israel, two countries with traditionally opposing interests. India’s ability to maintain good relations with both underscores its diplomatic finesse.
  • Regional Stability: The economic corridor, if successful, can contribute to regional stability by promoting economic development and reducing dependence on volatile transit routes. This could potentially ease tensions in the region and create an environment conducive to diplomacy.
  • Counter to China: This partnership serves as a strategic counter to China’s expanding influence in the region through its Belt and Road Initiative. It allows India to assert itself as a key player in regional connectivity and development.
  • Broader Implications: The involvement of Israel introduces an extra layer of complexity to the already intricate web of Middle Eastern politics. It could potentially reshape alliances and rivalries in the region.


The proposed economic corridor linking India, Iran, and Afghanistan, with Israel’s unexpected participation, represents a fascinating development in the world of geopolitics. It offers numerous economic benefits and holds the potential to reshape regional dynamics in South Asia and the Middle East. India’s ability to balance its relations with Iran and Israel showcases its diplomatic acumen, while Israel’s entry into the equation underscores its desire to expand its influence in the Indo-Pacific. As this corridor continues to evolve, it will be essential to closely monitor the geopolitical shifts and their impact on regional stability and global politics.

SOURCE: The Hindu

Practice question:

  1. Assess the challenges and opportunities of current India’s Middle East policy.
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